Danglie Ornament Catalog

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Sanford danglie Holly danglie  Geometric
                shapes_1 danglie
Danglie Ornaments to brighten windows/light fixtures.
All danglies have mirrors on at least one side of each piece of the five-piece string.
I have them hanging in my studio, from the light in my kitchen, in my kitchen window, and in my east-facing dining room window; they're great in the morning especially in winter!

Price $15/$20 each
(tax included)

Links to Particular Shelves of Danglies
Book-by-Author Danglies
Holiday Danglies
Nature-Inspired Danglies
Geometric-Shape Danglies

For Book Lovers - Book Danglies by Author
Each string contains five titles by a particular author. 
In the center of each little book is the first sentence of that title.

Price: $20*
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Jane Austen
Item #: d-2401

Jane Austen
Item #: d-2402

Jane Austen
Item #: d-2403

Jane Austen
Item #: d-2404

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Charles Dickens
Item #: d-2301

Charles Dickens
Item #: d-2324

Jane Austen
Item #: d-2405
Doyle 2
Arthur Conan Doyle
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F. Scott Fitzgerald
Item #: d-2031

Jane Austen
Item #: d-2406

Edgar Allan Poe
Item #: d-2302

Edgar Allan Poe
Item #: d-2303

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Jane Austen
Item #: d-2407

J.K. Rowling

Jane Austen
Item #: d-2408

J.K. Rowling
Item #: d-2307
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Jane Austen
John Sanford danglie
John Sanford
Item #: d-206

Jane Austen
Item #: d-2410

William Shakespeare
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William Shakespeare
Item #: d-2311

William Shakespeare
Item #: d-2312

Jane Austen

Jane Austen
Item #: d-2412
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Dr. Suess

Jane Austen
Item #: d-2415

Louisa May Alcott
Item #: d-2413

J.R.R. Tolkien
Item #: d-2318
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Louisa May Alcott
Item #: d-2414

J.R.R. Tolkien

Mark Twain

Mark Twain
Holiday Danglies
Price: $15* each
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Item #: d-2049

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Ornament 1
Traditional Tree Ornaments
Item #: d-2048
Ornament 2
Traditional Tree Ornaments
Item #: d-2047
Ornament 3
Traditional Tree Ornaments
Item #: d-2046
Ornament 4
Traditional Tree Ornaments
Item #: d-2045
Danglies Inspired by Nature
Price: $15* each

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sunflower pink

Item #: d-2015
Butterflies Red
Item #: d-2011

Item #: d-2014
Birds in Flight
Item #: d-2013
Geometric-Shape Danglies
Amid conflicting information on the internet, I arranged these shapes/colors for favorable feng shui!
Price: $15* each
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                    shape green rectangle
Item #: d-2017
Geometric blue
Item #: d-2018

* Includes tax

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